Servicios AS2 (Applicability Statment 2)

Connecting companies to innovate processes

What is AS2?

AS2 is a communication protocol on HTTP made for secure, cost-effective and quick message exchange (Especially EDI messages). Over the past 20 years, AS2 has become the most widely used protocol for EDI in many industries, such as retail, automotive, and consumer goods.

Drummond Group Certified

SEEBURGER BIS technology is Drummond AS2 certified 

SHA-2 Encryption

Regardless of the software being used in your organization, it's very important to stay up to date. In recent years, many companies are upgrading from SHA-1 to SHA-2. Organizations must keep this in mind in order to not be affected.

How can BTOB Help?

BTOB is at your disposal to help your organization meet any SHA-2 requirments.


 BTOB Consultores has the necessary experience. Contact us today to learn how we can find solutions for all your electronic data interchange challenges.

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